View Profile RoastySmith

5 Game Reviews

Offers for a plethra of fun game time!

When I saw this get front page, I didn't know what to expect. At first I was disappointed, I was expecting gameplay much like the older Final Fantastys where it was turn based gameplay. But as I played more and more, I started to really like it. Eventually, I got comfortable, leveled up, and finally beat the game. Once I saw the hard mode pop up, I was ready for the challenge. Although at first the idea of it seemed impossible, it took sometime for me to realise what one had to do to succeed. Unlike Normal mode, you have to keep your distance, always stay up to date on equipment, and most importantly, level up. So far I've reached the Graveyard, and I'd have to say, the Valley was fucking hard, mainly because of "Oh Snap", fucking needles flying everywhere would instantly kill the mage, and soon after the dragon would die. But once I manged to get the enemies singled out, I could slowly kill them all. Now I'm not sure how possible beating "Random Boss Bag" will be, or even the last boss, but for the most part, listen to this anyone who is freaked out by Hard Mode's challenge, HARD MODE IS POSSIBLE. You just need to level up like crazy and play the game really carefully. Keep your distance, use the double swords, and max out your mage, yes mage leveling takes a long time, but it's 100% necessary if you want to possibly bat Hard Mode.

As for the author of this game, here's something I'd like to say mainly for you:

This game was awesome, you did a great job as far as making a game, it certainly has gained the grace of my playing time, which, very few games on Newgrounds gain (Usually they gain a max of an hour of play time). I would HIGHLEY suggest that if you plan on making another RPG, please make it a turn based RPG (Sorta like "Epic Battle Fantasy") Nice graphics, nice game play, bit repetitive music (You have to have REALLY good music for RPGs, mainly since you hear it so many times from leveling up), decent story. You sir, deserve a 5/5.

Love this game!

Amazing action, weapons, and above all, I LOVE THE GORE! You earned yourself a 5!

Too Hard

Great game, but last boss is WAY too hard.

Love It!

Wait...why am I inside writing this review...


After achieving all of the medals, I've decided to write a review for this marvelous game.

In my opinion, this is the greatest flash game, ever. Period. Why? Lots of weapons, unlocks (Such as the Epic Artifact 19), fantastic gore, and addictive gameplay. Not to mention all of the achievements (Including the obviously impossible ones such as "Over 9000!"). Now the only problem I've found is that the "Thing-Thing" games have given me head aches and eye strains unlike any other game I've played, not sure why either. But other than that, AMAZING GAME. Please make an Area for "Thing-Thing 4".

I'm an 11th grader who is currently majoring in computer graphics. I like swimming, FPS games, and most of all, animating. That's General Shepard from MW2 BTW.

Age 32, Male

In School


Joined on 5/21/09

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