View Profile RoastySmith
I'm an 11th grader who is currently majoring in computer graphics. I like swimming, FPS games, and most of all, animating. That's General Shepard from MW2 BTW.

Age 31, Male

In School


Joined on 5/21/09

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1,140 / 1,350
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I am happy to say that my dream of making an animation that will reach my own high expectations will come alive...not soon to say, but in due time. What I mean by this is, I think I will finally start on my animation project: City 13. What is it? It is an movie that I am making (As in animating, directing, and doing part of the voice acting) that will be about 60 minutes long. No, I am not some noob to animating, however, I wouldn't call myself a veteran in animating such as our super stars (Like The-Swain and JonnyUtah), but I'd say I have enough experience to pull this thing off. It will be at 22 FPS, part Motion-Tweening and part Frame-by-Frame to give it a nice look, and dynamically drawn. Right now, I can't show you, my anonymous curious reader, that much content, however, I can feed you a "teaser", if you will. It's an assignment I had to make for my computer graphics class, the soldier drawn on it is the main character of this movie, hopefully this will be enough to go (You know, I wounder how this will eventually turn out over time...) Cheers and thanks for peeking. One day you might find out I may get myself on the top 50...you never know...

City 13, the first disussion of the topic;

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10,345 Points

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Crowd Pleaser 25 Points

You call that a kiss?

To the Dogs 100 Points

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Grab Bag 5 Points

Grab the bag!

Tiger Blood 5 Points

Activate Tiger Mode

Terminal Velocity 5 Points

Reach a speed of over 100 miles per hour

Two and a Half Miles 5 Points

Travel over 2.5 miles

Fight Expert 5 Points

Got rank S in any stage

Defense Expert 10 Points

10 times Just Defense in total

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