Here it is...
You want useful feedback, here it is:
You're animation style isn't bad at all, in fact, I almost like it. But, just good animation alone will not give you a good score. First off, audio. I'm sorry you're going to hear this, but this is the truth: People do not like hearing a little kid's voice acting. Some music would really help, in this case, ambient music would be the best choice. So if you want to improve the audio portion, go browse the "Audio Portal" and find your self some music, as for the voice acting, ask around on the forums, BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SCRIPT. Now for the important part. Your animation is, I assume, suppose to be a comedy. Unfortunately, it was not funny. There was no punch line, it was not amusing, just a character (I'm assuming that's you) repeating "It's your birthday today." in an unfunny voice. Please, think a bit harder on the humor, or if you need inspiration, go watch some toons around the Portal. I hope this review helps, because I really think your animation style is promising.